About Project

About Project

All natural and solid minerals resources are deposits discovered on land, under the land, on sea and under the sea and therefore are believed to have been deposited by God for our enjoyment source of financial exchange, use and a thing of pride. However, it is discovered that most places where natural resources are discovered in Africa, in large quantities are-automatically declared a government land and terrain leaving the Indigenous population or otherwise called most produce communities in abject/extreme poverty.

The multinational companies are usually brought into explore and exploit said resources on behalf of them and the federal government. A clear example is the Niger Delta region where oil and gas was discovered in large quantities, yet it took another fifty (50) years for the host community to be allocated three (3%) percent of every barrel derived from any oil well within the community. Unlike nations like united Arab Emirate, united States etc where families/host community own these resources, they bring in technicians parties themselves, explore and exploit the resources and pay tax to the government.

The reverse is the case in Africa, this leaves the local population to account for whatever they can in such a dilapidated and relegated manner without a formal and modernized system of explanation.

We henceforth, seek to organize the indigenous community otherwise called Host community, set them up as frameworks, and companies and help them secure equity in an already operating company of secure technical parties to directly explore the resources derived from their communities and impacted areas. MEAL would take every necessary steps to help these communities, (gas) States etc become part ownership of the natural and solid minerals deposited in their land.

These resources includes but not limited to oil and gas, gold, diamonds, Silva, platinum, uranium, mica nickel, copper aluminum phosphates, iron ore, Titanium, graphite’s, pozzolana etc.

Our mandate is therefore to register 100 limited liability companies/small and medium scale enterprises/ businesses in every local government area for households, clans, youths and women in Nigeria in the next 6 years. This would demonstrate the role of small and medium scale enterprises in mitigating extreme poverty among such a large and growing youth population in Nigeria hence we decided to embark on this project. By extrapulation, it will end poverty for at least 27 million Nigerians in Nigeria.
This program is in line with our vision to lift over One Hundred and Thirty Million (130,000,000) Nigerians out of poverty by 2030.
The vision is also in agreement with the sustainable development goals of the United Nations to reduce inequality, end poverty and hunger, industry, innovation, infrastructure, decent work and economic development by 2030.