Corporate Services and Investments

What We Do

Business Investment Divestment Services

Mica Equity Allocation Limited MEAL creates an avenue for host community investment in the natural and solid minerals production and exploration value chain as well as enhances economic divestment particularly for nations like Nigeria with almost a mono economy to divest from crude oil and gas resources to other sectors of the economy. It is designed in such a manner that the host community would use the money profited from crude oil and gas resources and others to directly divest in agriculture, ICT, natural and solid minerals resources and creative industry etc. Therefore limited liability companies would be set up for every family clan in Nigeria as every state of the federation possesses crude oil and gas and or natural and solid minerals resources.

Expected Outcomes

1. Expect lasting peace, justice and equity in host communities, LGAs, states and nations.

2. Expect to be organized into a framework, system, structure and or company which will enable the host community pull their strength, expertise and resources together to maximize opportunities.

3. To be allocated some equity shareholding in an existing firm operation in the community or out rightly secure technical parties for direct exploration and exploitation.

4. By advocacy, litigation and or engagement of authorities and or the private sector expect full or partial participation in the business operations and transactions on projects within the host community.

5. Expect the mitigation of extreme and abject poverty in your community.

6. Expect awesome opportunities for engagement of subsidiary contracts related or connected to investments in the community.

7. Expect the generation of job and employment opportunities for the teaming unemployed youths of the community.

8. Expect massive and sustainable wealth creation for the indigenous people of the community/ state.

9. Expect financial inclusion, the inclusion of the unbanked and under banked members of the community in the financial system of the nation which is part of the United Nations Program.

10. Expect your companies to be quoted on the Stock Exchanges anywhere in the world.

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