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Mica equity allocation

About Us

One Touch Of Nature Makes The Whole World Kin

AKUECHE MICHAEL is a graduate of Accounting with lots of experience in Capacity Building Strategies, Project Management and Costing. He is noted for his commitment to Nigerian content issues. As at 2006 when the Nigerian Content Act was still a bill, Michael worked with the Senate Committee on Petroleum Resources Upstream together with its Consultants to ensure the bill is passed into law at the National Assembly.
  • Mobilizes, Collates, Generates Data for economic planning and Business Enhancement 

  • MEAL prepares, processes and networks the indigenous owners of natural and solid minerals resources derived from their community.
  • MEAL organises the deprived, sidelined, incapacitated and poor communities/states
  • Set them up as frameworks, structures and companies to partake in the business and ownership of the natural resouces deposited in their land.
Mica Equity Allocation


To include family clans and community members in the ownership of oil and gas assets/other minerals resources. To establish limited liability companies for every family clan in the nation. To create employment opportunities for youths in that community where the companies and systems are set up.


Our mission is to mobilize, sensitize, organize, prepare, process and network families the communities, villages, hometowns, local government areas and states with natural and solid minerals resources in commercial quantities and set them up as frameworks, structures, systems and companies to partake in the process of the business inclusion and ownership of the said resources


To use technology to aggregate, coordinate and organize clans, households, communities, lgas, states for the purpose of setting up companies and establishing businesses of their choice for them. To use technology in providing solution in both data/information gathering and finance them by expanding, promoting and entrenching the ever growing innovative infotech and fintech world!.


To ensure justice, Equality and Equitable Distribution of natural and solid minerals resources of nations.

Mica Equity Allocation Limited MEAL is a Global Local Content Promotion and Development Firm.

Why Participate

Be the first to grab this opportunity to establish a company and business for your family clan.

The first person to register your family clan on our App in the Limited Liability Company of Fifty (50) household members  would become the first Director.

It is under the International Financial Inclusion System of the United Nations and National Financial Inclusion Strategies (NFIS) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the Bank of Industry (BOI) where loans within the range of One(1) to ten (10) million Naira for the poor, the people at the lowest cadre of our society are approved.

It is designed to financially include and incorporate these category of people at the lowest cadre of our society into the financial and corperate bracket, the unbanked and underbanked.

It will create wealth for the poor and engender continuous financial transactions at all level of our society. 

Expected Outcomes
  1. Expect lasting peace, justice and equity
  2. Expect to be organized into a framework, system, structure and or companies which will enable it pull your strength, expertise and resources together as an host community to maximize participation and ownership.
  3. To take some equity shareholding in an existing firm already in operation in the community or out rightly secure technical partners for exploration and exploitation.  
  4. By advocacy, litigation and or engagement of authorities and or the private sector expect full or partial participation in the business operations and transactions on the project within the community.
  5. Expect the mitigation of extreme and abject poverty in your community.
  6. Expect awesome opportunities for engagement of subsidiary contracts related or connected to the investment.
  7. Expect the generation of job and employment opportunities for the teaming youths of the community.
  8. Expect massive and sustainable wealth creation for the indigenous people of the community/ state.
  9. Expect financial inclusion, the inclusion of the unbanked and under banked  members of the community in the financial system  of the nation  which is part of the United Nations Program 

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